观看免费视频 Smooth - Happy Are Those Who Dream Dreams

(23.7 MB) 添加日期25 Mar 2017 播放102次 滑板 音乐 歌曲 滑冰 Music Video Talented People Technology Motivational
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Smooth - Happy Are Those Who Dream Dreams


A commercial I did for a friend of mine, Sam Cornette's clothing design.
School assignment.
Young people working hard to make their dreams come true, that's what his prints are all about, so that's what I tried to capture.
Be sure to check it out: smoothclothing.eu/
Big shout out to Marion Beeck, Joey Heirman, Said Rifi, Jorgo Haezaerts and Michiel Demeester for letting me capture their passion.
Shot on a Sony FS700 at 200 fps with a 50mm Zeiss Prime CP.2 Makro lens.
