观看免费视频 Gears of War 2 - Traumatic Spaces

(194 MB) 添加日期11 May 2017 播放133次 战争 太空 3D 3D Gameplay Game Animation 3D Animation Review
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Gears of War 2 - Traumatic Spaces


This is a brief overview for the broken code of Gears of War 2. The game developer, Epic Games, intentionally kept the code for the game "buggy", but one must seriously consider the detriment this presents for the psychology of many gamers. The glitched-out area of game maps are a "schizophrenic" region of space that can only be accessed through violating the intended mechanics and gameplay of the game and thus traumatizing the psychology of the player.
In a sense this video provides details on the architectural structure of glitching out in Gears 2.

music: RATM "Freedom"